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Mandatory Gear
Rocky Mountain Adventure Race



You and your team together are responsible entirely for carrying suitable and appropriate equipment, clothing and sustenance for the climate, conditions and activities in the event. This Mandatory Equipment List is NOT a list of the only items you should take. It contains the mandatory items that you and your team must carry with you, at specified times, to meet minimum safety requirements by law, prevent and/or treat SOME potential injuries, and short term survival purposes. It assumes your team members will NOT separate during the race and that you may share between members the mandatory equipment that must be carried. You will certainly need additional equipment, clothing, food and drink for your participation in the Rocky Mountain Adventure Race.




The following items, categories of equipment or related items, are either strongly recommended by Rocky Mountain Adventure Racing Inc., or assumed to be an inferred requirement as competitors must have an understanding of adventure racing, the activities they will be participating in, and general outdoor adventure knowledge and experience.


‣ Backpacks and water carrying containers/ bladders/ bottles.

‣ Foods and sustenance, sufficient until the next re-supply point, including emergency quantities.

‣ Personal race clothing and footwear suitable for extreme conditions (including accessories such as hats/ gloves, eye protection, watch/altimeter as required and clothing for water activities such as wetsuits if desired).

‣ Waterproofing/ dry bags to keep personal and team equipment as dry as necessary.

‣ Water purification device or chemicals - to avoid illness from drinking contaminated water.

‣ Personal medications (for example EpiPen/epinephrine, bronchodilator/Ventolin) permitted analgesics, therapeutic medicines, medical insurance certificates (for visiting competitors), allergy or illness identification tags, sun protection.

‣ Money/ Credit card, personal identification card

‣ Cycle repair kit (including pump, tubes, tools and spare parts).

‣ Additional and back up Mandatory/ Recommended and Inferred items in transition/gear boxes as permitted.




As a competitor in the Rocky Mountain Adventure Race using this list, you and your team are required to carry the mandatory equipment items with you at the specified times. Checks of mandatory equipment may occur during the race and missing equipment may result in penalties or disqualification. If any items are used/ consumed/lost during a leg, they must be replaced at the next transition area. The mandatory equipment is divided into two categories, equipment you and your team must carry at ALL times, and equipment you and your team must carry during a specific DISCIPLINE.





Official Race Bib 1 x per competitor (no share) The official race bib must be worn by each competitor at all times as the outermost garment. Race bibs are provided by the race organisers.

Whistle 1 x per competitor (no share) Each competitor must carry at all times a whistle that is pea-less and functional in wet conditions. It must be easily accessible at all times to sound an alert if required.

Light Source (Headlamp) 1 x per competitor Light source (such as headlamp), waterproof with the required batteries.

Shell Layer Top (Jacket) 1 x per competitor The shell/ outer layer jacket must be waterproof, windproof, breathable as specified by the manufacturer. Jacket must have hood, seams tape sealed and be suitable for potentially extreme conditions on the race weekend.

Shell Layer Bottom (Pants) 1 x per competitor The shell/ outer layer pants must be waterproof and windproof as specified by the manufacturer. Pants must be suitable for potentially extreme conditions in an adventure race.

Baselayer Top 1 x per competitor Long sleeve, close fitting top of synthetic or wool fabric. Lightweight, moisture wicking/ quick drying, and worn next to your skin. Top may either be carried or worn.

Baselayer Head (Beenie) 1 x per competitor Beanie (or Buff) must be close fitting and of synthetic or wool fabric. Lightweight, moisture wicking/ quick drying, and worn over your hair/skin. Beanie may either be carried or worn.

Survival Blanket (Space Blanket) 1 x per competitor Sheet or bag of material coated in a metallic reflective agent. Used in emergencies to reflect heat. Can be used to counter hypothermia, but also provide shade or aid in visibility. (note bags can deteriorate over time).

Magnetic Compass 1 x per team Quality compasses for accurate navigation. Watch compasses do not meet these requirements.

Cell Phone 1 x per team Cell phone with fully charged battery in waterproof bag/container for emergency use only. Cell phone can be used to take video/pictures during the race.

Fire Starting Device 1 x per team Waterproof matches, gas cigarette lighter, flint and steel are all acceptable fire starting devices.

Knife 1 x per team Minimum blade length 50mm and sharp enough to cut rope or webbing in an emergency. Folding blade for safety.

Course Information and Maps 1 x per team Course maps, course notes and passport/control card, provided by organisers, appropriate for section of the race teams are completing. Adequate waterproofing e.g. laminated or waterproof paper, clear adhesive(Contact) or waterproof map bag.

First Aid Kit 1 x per team First Aid contents specified separately. Must be contained in waterproof bag.




Mountain Bike 1 x per competitor Mountain Bike appropriate for adventure racing. No road or cyclocross bikes.

Helmet 1 x per competitor Cycle helmet with an approved safety standard certification. (e.g. CE, UIAA or country equivalent)

Rear Red Flashing Light 1 x per competitor Rear facing red light. Must be mounted on the bicycle.




Personal Flotation Device (PFD/ Lifejacket) 1 x per competitor (no share) Correctly sized for the competitor and must meet safety standards of the country of the race. Worn at all times while on water sections. Inflatable type vests not acceptable. Foam deteriorates over time and loses buoyancy. Organisers may have specific tests in place to ensure buoyancy meets required standards and laws.

Whistle 1 x per competitor Must be attached to the PFD/ Lifejacket.

Paddle 1 x per competitor

Helmet 1 x per competitor Cycle helmet is acceptable.

Inflatable Watercraft (raft, SUP, packraft,) Teammates may share the inflatable watercraft.

Throw Bag Rope 1 x per boat Rescue device with length of rope stuffed loosely into a bag so it can pay out through the top when thrown to a person. Minimum rope length 10m/ 30ft.




Bandage (Elastic/ Crepe) 2m long x 7.5cm wide Total length of bandage is minimum of 2 metres and minimum width is 7.5cm un-stretched. Multiple bandages are permitted. Used to create localised pressure to site of injury or wound.

Triangular Bandage 1 x This bandage in shape of right angle triangle can be used to make a sling, as normal bandage and other applications.

Wound Dressing (Sterile) 2 x Dressing minimum dimensions 7.5cm x 7.5cm each. Applied to wound to prevent further harm and promote healing. Self adhesive or used in conjunction with a bandage. Gauze dressing with nonstick film recommended.

Strapping Tape (Adhesive/ surgical tape) 1 x One roll of strapping tape. Can be used to secure bandages or dressings and in improvised splints.

Antihistamine (strong) 4 x adult doses minimum Antihistamine tablets inhibits the action of histamines and can be taken in event of allergic reaction.

Other Personal Medications





GPS devices. Includes devices that show your position, display maps, distance travelled etc.  

‣ Distance measuring devices such as foot pod accelerometers and pedometers. (cycle computers exempt)

‣ Mobile phones, radios, other communications or internet access devices etc. used for navigation (excluding the compulsory emergency phone)

‣ Maps other than those provided by the organisers (specifically from race start to crossing the finish line)


*items above adapted from items/language suggested by ARWS.

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